Friday night game

Federal Programs


Provide leadership to align state and federal program requirements with the district’s strategic plan to maximize student achievement. Through a consolidated planning approach, the district uses federal dollars to assist schools in providing a quality education for very child.


All Habersham County Schools will demonstrate proficiency and/or improvement on the College and Career Readiness Performance Index (CCRPI).

Allocate resources equitably to provide a quality education for all students. 

Utilize the strategic plan to direct and guide the development of school system budgets that comply with accountability requirements and will support SUCCESS FOR ALL STUDENTS.


Federal Programs implemented in the Habersham County School District are:

Title I, Part A           Improving Academic of the Disadvantaged, Foster Care Program,                                                   Family School Partnership Program         

Title I, Part C           Education of Migratory Children

Title II, Part A          Supporting Effective Instruction 

Title III, Part A         English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic                                                       Achievement

Title IV, Part A         Student Support and Academic Enrichment

Title V, Part B          Rural Education Initiative

Title IX, Part A         McKinney-Vento Education for Homeless Children and Youth Act

ESSER Funding       Coronavirus Emergency Relief Funds

Governor's Office of Student Achievement LEA and Schools Report Cards: CLICK HERE

Dr. Renee York, Director of Federal Programs

Technology Center
165 Raider Circle
Mt. Airy, GA 30563
Office 706-778-2020 Ext. 105
Fax 706-778-0000